1/4 | 25% | 3/12
That tiny dot in the water is a turtle coming up for air, probably the invasive Red-eared slider
We’re a quarter way through the year and it feels like January was last month. The pandemic feels like it’s not there anymore as case counts have remained “low”. We’ve adjusted to this modified lifestyle of ordering takeout, social distancing, and wearing masks everywhere we go. Hard to believe a year ago we were casually walking around shaking hands all willy nilly.
Working from home has made the the day turn into a blur of tasks with no breaks. Our life is practically digital now, with no physical interactions outside the home and nothing more than a few sentences to acquaintances and friends through a glass or plastic surface.
With restricted travels, our only chance to get out is twice to three times a week to conduct the 1.5 hrs of bouldering in a well ventilated gym. Sometimes a hike is planned, pending weather conditions, which have not been favorable.